Friday, April 30, 2010

weak, strong, sight, blind, happy, sad,..

I am feeling pretty good today. I am well rested and hooked up to the IVIG line. I am growing a bit tired of the see saw that is my life. Yesterday for example I couldn't wake up, I mean CoUlD NoT WaKE Up! Once out of bed if I moved my foot my toes scraped the floor, I fell into the recliner and opened my laptop but was too weak to type in my password. After an hour of this I grew emotional. My voice started to slur, my patience waivered. Then I took a long bath in Lavender Epsom Salts....this helped my mood and my voice improved. I decided at that point to take the opportunity to video tape and share my eye symptoms with the world. The response has been tremendous. So many people were out there wondering if they were alone in their symptoms until they THis made all the embarrassment and trepadation worth it. Here is the video...

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