Monday, April 12, 2010

Turning a new leaf

Things are looking up around here. I am still feeling pretty darn good. Well enough in fact that I have made a call to the neurologist to get the "okay" to start riding the exercise bike. My grandparents are downsizing right now and called last week to see if I would be interested in a "like new" Schwinn exercise bike. It is just like the one I used at the gym so I am super stoked. I don't want to kick off another exacerbation though so I will patiently wait for the call. See, with MG if my antibodies are on the rampage and I start working a muscle they feel called to action to strike and the last thing I want to do is send those nasty buggers to my legs again. It is killing me to look at the bike and not be able to use it but I'm being a good girl.

Spring Break has ended and the kids are back in school. Pat has a major project for his Software Engineering class so he is up to his ears in work and it is pretty quiet around here. I have the windows open, there is nothing like fresh air and sunshine to cheer one up. I just steeped some jasmine tea and I am enjoying the silence. I think this is going to be a good week.

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