Friday, April 23, 2010

Busy Week - Busy Weekend

Hello All - Well, while I am still affected daily by my MG, I am happy to report the last few days have been quite nice. Yesterday I made it through a very busy day of work only having to take three breaks to rest my eyes. My legs didn't go out on me until 10pm and that is a huge accomplishment given that I was struggling from the time I woke up on Monday. My grip has remained weak and that interferes with my typing but I am trying as hard as I can to make do.

Today I woke up with the double vision and drunken sailor walk but was in good spirits, as was Pat. He just finished Winter Semester last night and is very excited. I am proud of him too for getting a 95% on his last Calc test...Woo of course he signed up for Summer Semester so there is only a week off before the craziness starts again but I am so proud of him. Pat sometimes thinks it is cute to do impersonations of me when I am symptomatic, I do not find humor in it but if it keeps his little caregiving heiney sane...have at it. I am so thankful to have his love and support. I know there are single mom's and dads out there battling chronic illness and I just don't know if I would have the strength to do it. I admire you.

Okay - Stress Updates -
6:30AM - Cindy woke up early with a stomach ache and I couldn't stand on my own so Pat grabbed her. Thank the Lord it was hunger and not the stomach flu that has been going around. I had high stress for a minute and then fell back to sleep.
8:00AM - Work computer not cooperating - Stress at a 10
9:00AM - Figured out the problem only to be hit with 20 trip requests - Stress at a 7
10:00AM - Traveler questioned my knowledge of a certain travel topic I specialize in 6 times. "If you don't trust me, please stop asking:)" - Stress at an 8
Rest of day - We'll See...

If all goes as planned and i am feeling okay I have a big weekend planned. My mother in law is going to pick me and the kids up on Saturday to see the play she has been working on, that will be fun. And John made a new friend so we are going to meet his family on Sunday. I wish everyone a Blessed Weekend.



  1. Hello, I stumbled across your blog and wanted to let you know I am also a mom of 2 dealing with the roller coaster that is MG. I was diagnosed 20.5 years ago. I look forward to read about another moms daily struggles!

  2. Thanks for stopping by Punken. Wow, 20+ years is a long time, I was just diagnosed in October. I look forward to reading your blog!
